Implement a program to detect the intersection point of two linked lists, where one list accidentally merges with the other, forming an inverted Y-shaped structure.

For example, the following two linked lists have common nodes starting from c1. Thus, c1 is the intersection point of two linked lists.
Approach 1: Using Two Nested Loops
Utilize two nested for loops, where the outer loop iterates over each node of the first list, and the inner loop iterates over each node of the second list. Within the inner loop, check if any nodes from the second list match the current node of the first linked list.
Code Implementation
C++ Code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Definition of a Linked List Node
struct Node {
int data;
Node* next;
// Function to insert a new node at the beginning of a linked list
void push(Node*& head, int data) {
// Create a new node
Node* newNode = new Node;
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
// Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists
Node* findIntersection(Node* first, Node* second) {
// Pointer to traverse the first linked list
Node* x = first;
// Traverse through the first linked list using x
while (x != nullptr) {
// Pointer to traverse the second linked list
Node* y = second;
// Traverse through the second linked list using y
while (y != nullptr) {
// If there is a point of intersection, return the common node
if (x == y)
return x;
y = y->next;
x = x->next;
// If there is no intersecting node
return nullptr;
int main() {
// Construct the first linked list
Node* first = nullptr;
int firstListValues[] = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
int firstListLength = sizeof(firstListValues) / sizeof(firstListValues[0]);
for (int i = firstListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node* second = nullptr;
int secondListValues[] = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
int secondListLength = sizeof(secondListValues) / sizeof(secondListValues[0]);
for (int i = secondListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node* currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst = currentFirst->next;
Node* currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond = currentSecond->next;
currentFirst->next = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node* intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode) {
cout << "Intersection point is " << intersectionNode->data << endl;
} else {
cout << "Lists do not intersect." << endl;
return 0;
Java Code
class Main {
// Definition of a Linked List Node
static class ListNode {
int value;
ListNode next;
// Function to create a new node with the given value
// and add it to the front of the list
public static ListNode addNodeToFront(ListNode head, int value) {
// Create a new node
ListNode newNode = new ListNode();
newNode.value = value; = head;
return newNode;
// Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists
private static ListNode findIntersectionPoint(ListNode list1, ListNode list2) {
ListNode current1 = list1;
// Traverse through the first linked list
while (current1 != null) {
ListNode current2 = list2;
// Traverse through the second linked list
while (current2 != null) {
// If both linked lists point to the same node
if (current1 == current2) {
return current1;
current2 =;
current1 =;
// If there is no intersecting node
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Construct the first linked list
Node first = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] firstListValues = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = firstListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node second = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] secondListValues = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = secondListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst =;
Node currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond =;
} = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode != null) {
System.out.println("Intersection point is " +;
} else {
System.out.println("Lists do not intersect.");
Python Code
class Node:
def __init__(self, data): = data = None
def push(head, data):
node = Node(data) = head
return node
def intersectionPoint(list1, list2):
firstTemp = list1
while firstTemp:
temp = list2
while temp:
if firstTemp == temp:
return firstTemp
temp =
firstTemp =
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
first = None
first_list_values = [7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(first_list_values):
first = push(first, value)
# Construct the second linked list
second = None
second_list_values = [1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(second_list_values):
second = push(second, value)
# Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
current_first = first
for _ in range(4):
current_first =
current_second = second
for _ in range(3):
current_second = = current_second
# Find the intersection point
intersection_node = find_intersection(first, second)
# Print the result
if intersection_node:
print("Intersection point is",
print("Lists do not intersect.")
Intersection point is 3
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
The time complexity of the algorithm is O(m * n), where m and n denotes the count of nodes in the given two linked lists.
Space Complexity
The space complexity is O(1), as we do not use any extra space.
Approach 2: Using Hashing
To find the intersection point of two linked lists, we iterate over one list and store its nodes in a hash set. Then, we traverse the other list and check if each node is in the set. If we find a common node, it’s the intersection point. Otherwise, there’s no intersection.
Code Implementation
Let’s look at the code implementation of the above approach in C++, Python, and Java.
C++ Code
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>
using namespace std;
// Definition of a Linked List Node
struct ListNode
int value;
ListNode* next;
// Function to create a new node with the given value
// and add it to the front of the list
void addNodeToFront(ListNode*& head, int value)
// Create a new node from heap
ListNode* newNode = new ListNode;
newNode->value = value;
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
// Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists using hashing
ListNode* findIntersectionPoint(ListNode* first, ListNode* second)
// Maintain a set to store list nodes
unordered_set<ListNode*> nodes;
// Traverse the first linked list and insert the address of each node into the set
while (first)
first = first->next;
// Now traverse the second linked list and search the first node that is
// already present in the above set
while (second)
// Return the node if it is found in the set
if (nodes.find(second) != nodes.end()) {
return second;
second = second->next;
// We reach here if the lists do not intersect
return nullptr;
int main()
// Construct the first linked list
Node* first = nullptr;
int firstListValues[] = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
int firstListLength = sizeof(firstListValues) / sizeof(firstListValues[0]);
for (int i = firstListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node* second = nullptr;
int secondListValues[] = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
int secondListLength = sizeof(secondListValues) / sizeof(secondListValues[0]);
for (int i = secondListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node* currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst = currentFirst->next;
Node* currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond = currentSecond->next;
currentFirst->next = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node* intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode) {
cout << "Intersection point is " << intersectionNode->data << endl;
} else {
cout << "Lists do not intersect." << endl;
return 0;
Java Code
import java.util.HashSet;
class Main {
// Definition of a Linked List Node
static class ListNode {
int data;
ListNode next;
// Function to create a new node with given values
// and add it to the front of the list
public static ListNode addNodeToFront(ListNode head, int data) {
// Create a new linked list node
ListNode newNode = new ListNode(); = data; = head;
return newNode;
// Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists using hashing
private static ListNode findIntersectionPoint(ListNode list1, ListNode list2) {
// Maintain a set to store list nodes
HashSet<ListNode> nodes = new HashSet<>();
// Traverse the first list and insert the nodes into the set
ListNode temp = list1;
while (temp != null) {
temp =;
// Traverse the second list and find the intersection point
temp = list2;
while (temp != null) {
if (nodes.contains(temp)) {
return temp; // Return the intersection point
temp =;
// Return null if no intersection point is found
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Construct the first linked list
Node first = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] firstListValues = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = firstListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node second = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] secondListValues = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = secondListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst =;
Node currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond =;
} = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode != null) {
System.out.println("Intersection point is " +;
} else {
System.out.println("Lists do not intersect.");
Python Code
# Definition of a Linked List Node
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, data): = data = None
# Function to add a new node with the given data to the front of the list
def add_node_to_front(head, data):
new_node = ListNode(data) = head
return new_node
# Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists using hashing
def find_intersection_point(list1, list2):
# Maintain a set to store list nodes
nodes = set()
# Traverse the first list and insert the nodes into the set
temp = list1
while temp:
temp =
# Traverse the second list and find the intersection point
temp = list2
while temp:
if temp in nodes:
return temp # Return the intersection point
temp =
# Return None if no intersection point is found
return None
# Main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
first = None
first_list_values = [7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(first_list_values):
first = push(first, value)
# Construct the second linked list
second = None
second_list_values = [1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(second_list_values):
second = push(second, value)
# Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
current_first = first
for _ in range(4):
current_first =
current_second = second
for _ in range(3):
current_second = = current_second
# Find the intersection point
intersection_node = find_intersection(first, second)
# Print the result
if intersection_node:
print("Intersection point is",
print("Lists do not intersect.")
Intersection point is 3
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
The time complexity of the above method is O(m+n) as the linked lists get traversed once.
Space Complexity
The space complexity of the above method is O(m) as the nodes of the first linked list is get stored in the hash table.
Approach 3: Using Difference in Node Count
In this approach to find the intersection of linked lists, we use the difference in the count of nodes. Both the linked lists get traversed to find their lengths. We get the longer linked list by counting the difference in the number of nodes which is k. The longer linked list gets traversed until both the linked lists have the same number of nodes. We move through the linked lists at an equal speed until they reach the intersection point.
Steps Involved :
- Traverse both linked lists and keep a count on the number of nodes. Let the number of nodes in the first linked list be c1 and the second c2.
- Check which one is larger and calculate the difference d = abs(c1 – c2) in the number of nodes of the linked lists.
- Make sure that the longer linked list is the first one. Swap the linked lists whenever required.
- Traverse the longer list till d nodes as both the linked lists will be left with an equal number of nodes.
- Traverse the linked lists simultaneously and compare the address of each node until they reach the intersection point.
- Return the common node present at the point of intersection. If there is no common node, return null.

Code Implementation
C++ Code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Definition of a Linked List Node
struct Node
int data;
Node* next;
// Function to create a new node with the given values and
// adds it to the front of the linked list
void insertFront(Node*& head, int data)
// Create a new node
Node* newNode = new Node;
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
// Utility function to find the length of a linked list
int length(Node* head)
int len = 0;
Node* curr=head;
for (; curr != nullptr; curr = curr->next) {
return len;
// Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists.
// Assumes that the first list contains `k` nodes more than the second list
Node* findIntersectionPoint(Node* first, Node* second, int k)
// Advance the longer list by `k` nodes
for (int i = 0; i < k && first; i++) {
first = first->next;
// Move both lists simultaneously until they meet
while (first && second)
// If both lists meet at any node, return that node as the intersection point
if (first == second) {
return first;
// Move to the next node in both lists
first = first->next;
second = second->next;
// Return null if the lists do not intersect
return nullptr;
// Function to detect the intersection point of given two lists
Node* findIntersection(Node* first, Node* second)
// Find the difference in the number of nodes between both lists
int diff = length(first) - length(second);
// If the first list is shorter, swap the lists
if (diff < 0) {
swap(first, second);
// Find and return the intersection node
return findIntersectionPoint(first, second, abs(diff));
int main()
// Construct the first linked list
Node* first = nullptr;
int firstListValues[] = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
int firstListLength = sizeof(firstListValues) / sizeof(firstListValues[0]);
for (int i = firstListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node* second = nullptr;
int secondListValues[] = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
int secondListLength = sizeof(secondListValues) / sizeof(secondListValues[0]);
for (int i = secondListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node* currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst = currentFirst->next;
Node* currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond = currentSecond->next;
currentFirst->next = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node* intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode) {
cout << "Intersection point is " << intersectionNode->data << endl;
} else {
cout << "Lists do not intersect." << endl;
return 0;
Java Code
class Main {
// Node class for a linked list
static class Node {
int data;
Node next;
// Function to insert a new node at the beginning of the list
public static Node insertAtBeginning(Node head, int data) {
Node newNode = new Node(); = data; = head;
return newNode;
// Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists
public static Node findIntersection(Node list1, Node list2) {
// Traverse the first list and mark each node as visited
while (list1 != null) { =; // Mark visited nodes by negating data
list1 =;
// Traverse the second list and find the first visited node
while (list2 != null) {
// If a visited node is found, return it as the intersection point
if ( < 0)
return list2;
list2 =;
// If no intersection is found, return null
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Construct the first linked list
Node first = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] firstListValues = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = firstListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node second = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] secondListValues = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = secondListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst =;
Node currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond =;
} = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode != null) {
System.out.println("Intersection point is " +;
} else {
System.out.println("Lists do not intersect.");
Python Code
# Node class for a linked list
class Node:
def __init__(self, data): = data = None
# Function to insert a new node at the starting of the list
def insert_at_beginning(head, data):
new_node = Node(data) = head
return new_node
# Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists
def find_intersection(list1, list2):
# Traverse the first list and mark each node as visited
while list1: = # Mark visited nodes by negating data
list1 =
# Traverse the second list and find the first visited node
while list2:
# If a visited node is found, return it as the intersection point
if < 0:
return list2
list2 =
# If no intersection is found, return None
return None
# Construct the first linked list
first = None
first_list_values = [7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(first_list_values):
first = push(first, value)
# Construct the second linked list
second = None
second_list_values = [1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(second_list_values):
second = push(second, value)
# Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
current_first = first
for _ in range(4):
current_first =
current_second = second
for _ in range(3):
current_second = = current_second
# Find the intersection point
intersection_node = find_intersection(first, second)
# Print the result
if intersection_node:
print("Intersection point is",
print("Lists do not intersect.")
Intersection point is 3
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
The time complexity of the above method is O(m+n) as both the linked lists get traversed one by one, where m is the length of the first linked list and n of the second linked list.
Space Complexity
The space complexity of the above method is O(1).
Approach 4: Using Two Pointer Technique
In this approach to find the intersection of two linked lists, we use the two-pointer technique. We take two pointers pointing to the head node of both the linked lists. Each pointer reaching the end of the linked list gets reassigned to the head of the other linked list. It makes the two pointers at a distance equal to the intersection point. When both pointers reach a common node and are not null, it is said to be the intersection point.
Steps Involved
- Initialize two pointers – head1 pointing to the head of the first linked list and head2 pointing to the head of the second linked list.
- Advance through both the linked lists until it reaches the end.
- When head1 points to the end of the first linked list, it gets assigned to the head of the second linked list.
- When head2 points to the end of the second linked list, it gets assigned to the head of the first linked list.
- When both pointers point to a common node and are not null, we get the intersection point of the linked lists and return it.
Code Implementation
C++ Code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Definition of a Linked List Node
struct Node
int data;
Node* next;
// Function to insert a new node with the given data at the front of the list
void insertAtFront(Node*& head, int data)
// Create a new node and link it to the front of the list
Node* newNode = new Node;
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;
// Function to find the point of intersection between two linked lists
Node* findIntersectionPoint(Node* list1, Node* list2)
// Initialize two pointers to traverse the lists
Node *ptr1 = list1, *ptr2 = list2;
// Traverse both lists until they meet at the intersection point
while (ptr1 != ptr2)
// If one list reaches the end, redirect it to the beginning of the other list
if (ptr1 == nullptr) {
ptr1 = list2;
else {
ptr1 = ptr1->next;
if (ptr2 == nullptr) {
ptr2 = list1;
else {
ptr2 = ptr2->next;
// Return the intersection point
return ptr1;
int main()
// Construct the first linked list
Node* first = nullptr;
int firstListValues[] = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
int firstListLength = sizeof(firstListValues) / sizeof(firstListValues[0]);
for (int i = firstListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node* second = nullptr;
int secondListValues[] = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
int secondListLength = sizeof(secondListValues) / sizeof(secondListValues[0]);
for (int i = secondListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node* currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst = currentFirst->next;
Node* currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond = currentSecond->next;
currentFirst->next = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node* intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode) {
cout << "Intersection point is " << intersectionNode->data << endl;
} else {
cout << "Lists do not intersect." << endl;
return 0;
Java Code
class LinkedListIntersection {
// Definition of a Linked List Node
static class Node {
int data;
Node next;
// Method to insert a new node with the given data at the front of the list
public static Node insertAtFront(Node head, int data) {
// Create a new node and link it to the front of the list
Node newNode = new Node(); = data; = head;
return newNode;
// Method to find the intersection point of two linked lists
public static Node findIntersectionPoint(Node list1, Node list2) {
// Initialize two pointers to traverse the lists
Node pointer1 = list1, pointer2 = list2;
// Traverse both lists until they meet at the intersection point
while (pointer1 != pointer2) {
// When the first list reaches its own end, redirect it to the head of the second list
if (pointer1 == null) {
pointer1 = list2;
} else {
pointer1 =;
// When the second list reaches its own end, redirect it to the head of the first list
if (pointer2 == null) {
pointer2 = list1;
} else {
pointer2 =;
// Return the intersection point
return pointer1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Construct the first linked list
Node first = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] firstListValues = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = firstListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node second = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] secondListValues = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = secondListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst =;
Node currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond =;
} = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode != null) {
System.out.println("Intersection point is " +;
} else {
System.out.println("Lists do not intersect.");
Python Code
# Definition of a Linked List Node
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, data, next=None): = data = next
# Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists
def find_intersection_point(first, second):
x = first
y = second
# increase both pointers until they meet at a common node
while x != y:
# When the first list reaches its own end, redirect it to the
# the head of the second list
if x is None:
x = second
x =
# When the second list reaches its own end, redirect it to the
# the head of the first list
if y is None:
y = first
y =
# return the common node
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Construct the first linked list
first = None
first_list_values = [7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(first_list_values):
first = push(first, value)
# Construct the second linked list
second = None
second_list_values = [1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(second_list_values):
second = push(second, value)
# Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
current_first = first
for _ in range(4):
current_first =
current_second = second
for _ in range(3):
current_second = = current_second
# Find the intersection point
intersection_node = find_intersection(first, second)
# Print the result
if intersection_node:
print("Intersection point is",
print("Lists do not intersect.")
Intersection point is 3
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
The time complexity to find the intersection point of two linked lists using the two-pointer technique is O(m+n).
Space Complexity
The algorithm has a space complexity of O(1), indicating that it uses a constant amount of extra space regardless of the size of the input linked lists.
Approach 5: Making Loop in the First List
This approach uses Floyd’s Cycle Detection Algorithm. This approach converts the first linked list to a circular linked list by connecting the tail node to the head node. Two pointers point to the head node and the kth node from the head, which is the total number of nodes in the loop of the circular linked list. The pointers move at the same speed until the intersection of the two linked lists is reached.

Steps Involved
- Traverse the first linked list and take a count of the nodes.
- Convert it into a circular linked list by joining the head node to the tail node.
- Since the length of the loop formed by the first linked list is already known, traverse the same number of nodes in the second linked list and keep a pointer at it.
- Set another pointer at the beginning of the second linked list.
- Move the pointers simultaneously until they reach a common node.
- Return the value of the node at the point of intersection.
- Remove the cycle from the first linked list.
Code Implementation
Let’s look at the code implementation of the above approach in C++, Python, and Java.
C++ Code
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>
using namespace std;
// Definition of a Linked List Node
struct ListNode
int data;
ListNode* next;
// Function to create a new node with the given values and
// push it onto the front of the list
void addNodeToFront(ListNode*& headRef, int data)
// Create a new node from the heap
ListNode* newNode = new ListNode;
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = headRef;
headRef = newNode;
// Function to find the starting node of a cycle in a linked list
// identified by the `cycleNode`. Returns the starting node of the cycle.
ListNode* findCycleStart(ListNode* cycleNode, ListNode* head)
// Find the count of total nodes involved in the cycle and store it in variable `k`
int k = 1;
ListNode* ptr = cycleNode;
while (ptr->next != cycleNode) {
ptr = ptr->next;
// Get the pointer to the k'th node from the head
ListNode* current = head;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
current = current->next;
// Simultaneously advance the `head` and `current` pointers
// at the same speed until they meet at the same point
while (current != head)
current = current->next;
head = head->next;
// `current` now points to the starting node of the circular loop
return current;
// Function to detect a cycle in a list using
// Floyd’s cycle detection algorithm
ListNode* detectCycle(ListNode* head)
// Take two pointers – `slow` and `fast`
ListNode *slow = head, *fast = head;
while (fast && fast->next)
// Advance slow by one pointer
slow = slow->next;
// Advance fast by two pointers
fast = fast->next->next;
// If they meet at any node, the linked list contains a cycle
if (slow == fast) {
return slow;
// Return null if the list does not contain any cycle
return nullptr;
// Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists
ListNode* findIntersection(ListNode* first, ListNode* second)
ListNode* previous = nullptr; // Previous pointer
ListNode* current = first; // Main pointer
// Traverse the first list
while (current)
// Update the previous pointer to current node and
// advance the main pointer to the next node
previous = current;
current = current->next;
// Create a cycle in the first list
if (previous) {
previous->next = first;
// Find a pointer to the loop node using the given second list
ListNode* cycleNode = detectCycle(second);
// Find the intersection node
ListNode* intersectionNode = nullptr;
if (cycleNode) {
intersectionNode = findCycleStart(cycleNode, second);
// Remove the cycle in the first list before exiting
if (previous) {
previous->next = nullptr;
// Return the intersection node
return intersectionNode;
int main()
// Construct the first linked list
Node* first = nullptr;
int firstListValues[] = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
int firstListLength = sizeof(firstListValues) / sizeof(firstListValues[0]);
for (int i = firstListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node* second = nullptr;
int secondListValues[] = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
int secondListLength = sizeof(secondListValues) / sizeof(secondListValues[0]);
for (int i = secondListLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node* currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst = currentFirst->next;
Node* currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond = currentSecond->next;
currentFirst->next = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node* intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode) {
cout << "Intersection point is " << intersectionNode->data << endl;
} else {
cout << "Lists do not intersect." << endl;
return 0;
Java Code
class LinkedListIntersection {
// Definition of a Linked List Node
static class ListNode {
int value;
ListNode next;
// Function to add a node with the given value to the front of a linked list
public static ListNode addToFront(ListNode head, int value) {
ListNode node = new ListNode();
node.value = value; = head;
return node;
// Search the starting node of the loop in a list pointed by `head`.
// The `loopNode` points to one of any nodes in the cycle
public static ListNode findLoopStart(ListNode loopNode, ListNode head) {
// Find the total count of nodes involved in the loop and store the count in variable `k`
int k = 1;
for (ListNode ptr = loopNode; != loopNode; ptr = {
// Get pointer to the k'th node from the head of the list
ListNode current = head;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
current =;
// Simultaneously move the `head` and `current` pointers
// at the same speed until they meet
while (current != head) {
current =;
head =;
// `current` now points to the starting node of the loop
return current;
// Function to detect a cycle in a list using
// Floyd’s cycle detection algorithm
public static ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {
// Take two pointers – `slow` and `fast`
ListNode slow = head, fast = head;
while (fast != null && != null) {
// Advance slow by one pointer
slow =;
// Advance fast by two pointers
fast =;
// If they meet at any node, the list surely contains a cycle
if (slow == fast) {
return slow;
// Return null if list does not have a cycle
return null;
// Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists
public static ListNode findIntersection(ListNode first, ListNode second) {
ListNode previous = null; // Previous pointer
ListNode current = first; // Main pointer
// Traverse the first list
while (current != null) {
// Update previous pointer to the current node and
// advance the main pointer to the next node
previous = current;
current =;
// Create a cycle in the first list
if (previous != null) { = first;
// Now find a pointer to the loop node using the second list
ListNode slow = detectCycle(second);
// Find the intersection node
ListNode address = null;
if (slow != null) {
address = findLoopStart(slow, second);
// Remove the cycle in the first list before exiting
if (previous != null) { = null;
// Return the intersection node
return address;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Construct the first linked list
Node first = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] firstListValues = {7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = firstListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(first, firstListValues[i]);
// Construct the second linked list
Node second = new Node(-1); // Dummy node
int[] secondListValues = {1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8};
for (int i = secondListValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
push(second, secondListValues[i]);
// Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
Node currentFirst = first;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
currentFirst =;
Node currentSecond = second;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentSecond =;
} = currentSecond;
// Find the intersection point
Node intersectionNode = findIntersection(first, second);
// Print the result
if (intersectionNode != null) {
System.out.println("Intersection point is " +;
} else {
System.out.println("Lists do not intersect.");
Python Code
class LinkedListIntersection:
# Definition of a Linked List Node
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, data, next=None): = data = next
# Get the starting node of the loop in a linked list pointed by `head`.
# The `loop_node` points to one of any nodes in cycle
def remove_cycle(loop_node, head):
# Find the total number of nodes involved in the loop and store the count in variable `k`.
k = 1
ptr = loop_node
while is not loop_node:
k += 1
ptr =
# Get pointer to k'th node from the head
curr = head
for _ in range(k):
curr =
# Simultaneously advance the `head` and `curr` pointers
# at the same speed until they meet at a point
while curr is not head:
curr =
head =
# `curr` points to the starting node of the loop
return curr
# Function to detect a cycle in a lisusing
# Floyd’s cycle detection algorithm
def identify_cycle(head):
# Take two pointers – `slow` and `fast`
slow = fast = head
while fast and
# Advance slow by one pointer
slow =
# Advance fast by two pointers
fast =
# If they meet at any node, the linked list surely contains a cycle
if slow == fast:
return slow
# Return None if the list does not contain a cycle
return None
# Function to detect the intersection point of two linked lists
def find_intersection(first, second):
prev = None # Previous pointer
curr = first # Main pointer
# Traverse the first list
while curr:
# Update previous pointer to the current node and
# advance the main pointer to the next node
prev = curr
curr =
# Create a cycle in the first list
if prev: = first
# Now find a pointer to the loop node using the second list
slow = LinkedListIntersection.identify_cycle(second)
# Find the intersection node
addr = None
if slow:
addr = LinkedListIntersection.remove_cycle(slow, second)
# Remove the cycle in the first list before exiting
if prev: = None
# Return the intersection node
return addr
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Construct the first linked list
first = None
first_list_values = [7, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(first_list_values):
first = push(first, value)
# Construct the second linked list
second = None
second_list_values = [1, 6, 10, 5, 3, 8]
for value in reversed(second_list_values):
second = push(second, value)
# Link the fifth node of the first linked list to the fourth node of the second linked list
current_first = first
for _ in range(4):
current_first =
current_second = second
for _ in range(3):
current_second = = current_second
# Find the intersection point
intersection_node = find_intersection(first, second)
# Print the result
if intersection_node:
print("Intersection point is",
print("Lists do not intersect.")
Intersection point is 3.
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
The time complexity of the above method is O(m+n) as both the lists get traversed linearly, where m and n are the counts of nodes in the first and the second linked list, respectively.
Space Complexity
The space complexity of the above method is O(1), as we do not use any extra space.
- This article shows that we can find the intersection point of two linked lists using the following eight methods –
- Using Two Nested Loops
- Using Hashing
- Using Difference in Node Count
- Using Two Pointer Technique
- Making Loop in the First List
- Using the two-pointer technique, we can optimize the time complexity from O(m*n) in the nested loop approach to O(m), significantly improving the efficiency of the algorithm.
- The space complexity varies from O(m) using the hashing technique to O(1) using the other techniques.