Articles for author: Trapti Gupta

Trapti Gupta

Wi-Fi Protected Access

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and Wi-Fi Protected Access2 (WPA2) are security networks. They are used to protect the network that is connected to Wi-Fi networks. WPA was developed in 2003 and then the more secure version was developed in 2004 named WPA2. Wi-Fi Alliance has developed the WPA for providing more sophisticated data encryption and better authentication ...

Trapti Gupta

Fundamentals of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is a network protocol. EIGRP protocol allows the routers for transmitting information in a more efficient way than earlier network protocols. EIGRP protocol is the enhancement of the IGRP protocol and it uses the same distance vector algorithm and distance information as used by the IGRP protocol. Introduction to Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol ...

Subsequence of a String

Problem Statement You are given a string as an input. The task is to print all the possible subsequence of a string in any order. Note: A subsequence is a string derived from the input string by deleting zero or more elements from the input string without changing the order of the remaining characters. Example: str=”abcd” Example Let us ...

Largest Subarray with 0 Sum

Problem Statement Given the array $ar[]$ of size, $n$ has positive and negative integers. From the array $ar[]$, find the length of the largest subarray having a 0 sum. As we have to find the length of the largest subarray. So, first of all, it is required to understand what is a subarray Subarray :A ...

Implementation of Queue Using Array

Problem Statement Write a program that implements the operations of queue using an array Implementation of Queue using Array Operations The queue is the linear data structure that works on the principle of FIFO( First In First Out). In queue insertion and deletion of elements takes place at two different ends. The addition of an element ...

Trapti Gupta

UART Protocol

UART protocol is used for serial communication and two wires are used for communication in this protocol. The transmission speed and data format are defined before the communication in the UART protocol. And data is transmitted in the form of packets. Basics of UART Protocol UART protocol stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter protocol. And ...

Merge Two Sorted Arrays

Problem Statement Given two sorted integer arrays of size m and n, Your task is to merge both the given sorted arrays into one so that the output array is also sorted. The image below visualises the merge two sorted arrays problem. The constraints for the merge two sorted arrays problem are given below. Example ...

What is Traversing in Data Structure?

Traversing in the data structure is a very important operation that can be performed on any data structure. Traversing in Data Structure means systematically visiting every element of it. Traversing is a process in which each element of a data structure is accessed. Accessing an element of data structure means visiting every element at least once. ...

Trapti Gupta

Advanced Networking

Advanced networking provides flexibility so that guest networks can be easily defined. Advanced networking is a high throughput computing. WireCap is a packet capture engine, and for accelerating the movement of data Multicore-Aware Data Transfer Middleware (MDTM) project has been developed. BigData Express, SENSE, N-able N-sight, Paessler Network Troubleshooting with PRTG, etc., are some of the terms used in the ...