Articles for author: Mayank Mundada

Skip List in Data structure

Skip list data structure is an extension to a sorted linked list; it provides indexing and querying data with reduced time complexity because there is a concept of skipping nodes while exploring data, somewhat similar to binary search. Each node contains a few forward pointers (not just one or two as in a linked list), therefore ...

Threaded Binary Tree

A binary tree is a data structure where every node can have up to two children. There are different ways of traversing through the tree, one of them is in-order traversal. In inorder traversal, you visit the nodes “in order”, which means if the binary tree were a binary search tree, an inorder traversal would ...

Application of Graph in Data Structure

Graph is a collection of edges and vertices that help us visualize various problems in a graphical way. Scope of the Article Takeaways Graphs help us visualize complex problems in a simpler way by visualizing entities as vertices and the relationships they carry as edges. Introduction to Graph in Data Structure In this article, we ...